Lapworth Ladies Supper Club

Lapworth Ladies meet monthly on the first Wednesday of every month, from October to March.

Meetings take place at various venues (hotels and golf clubs) within easy travelling distance of Lapworth, and they include a three course meal and an after dinner speaker.   The talks are both informative and entertaining.  If you are interested in joining the Supper Club, please feel free to contact Jacqui 785022, Yvonne 783595 or Heather 783638 for more information.

You can view and download the Lapworth Ladies Supper Club Programme of Events from October 2023  to March 2024 and Booking Forms by clicking here.

You can also download a Lapworth Ladies Supper Club Membership Subscription Form by clicking here.









Jacqui Arnott


Yvonne Joyce

Heather Day


Tel: 01564 785022


Tel: 01564 783595

Tel: 01564 783638

The next meeting will be the AGM which will be held on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at Rowington Village Hall at 7.30pm. Complimentary drinks and nibbles will be served.  This is a great opportunity to hear details about the next seasons events, to catch up with old friends and make some new ones! There is no charge for this event, all existing and potential new members are welcome.