What’s On . . . What’s On . . . What’s On . . . What’s On




Lapworth Short Mat Bowls

Lapworth Village Hall

Friday 26th July 2024


Come and join us.  We play every Friday 12.00pm – 2.00pm.  You don’t need any equipment.  You don’t need to know how to do it.  All you do need is a pair of clean flat-soled shoes.

Why not just turn up and try it?

Lapworth Elderberries

 Lapworth Village Hall

Tuesday 30th July – 1.00pm-3.00pm

A group of nearly 40 members, ages ranging from 60’s to 90’s.  We play card bingo, arrange quizzes, provide simple meals, or please yourself what you do (play cards, scrabble, or just chat).  New members are very welcome (you don’t have to live in Lapworth), so if you are interested in joining, just come along to the Village Hall.

Mobile Library


Priory Close (near Station Lane junction)  – Thursday 1st August – 11.00-11.20am

Harborough Cottages (opposite Village Hall) – Thursday 1st August – 11.30-12.00pm

Lapworth School – Thursday 1st August 3.00pm-4.00pm

15 Chapel Lane – Friday 2nd August – 9.15-9.30am

181 Chapel Lane – Friday 2nd August – 9.35-9.45am

Contacts: T: 01926 851031   E: mobilelibraryservice@warwickshire.gov.uk  W: www.warwickshire.gov.uk

Solihull Artisan Market

Saturday 3rd August – 10am – 4pm

Solihull High Street

For further information please visit Solihull BID

Lowsonford, Rowington and District

Annual Village Show

Saturday 3rd August 2024 – 2.00pm

Shakespeare Hall, Rowington, CV35 7DB


For further information, please phone 01564 784823

Lapworth Parish Council

Monday 12th August 2024

Lapworth Village Hall – 7.30pm

The next meeting of Lapworth Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Monday 12th August at 7.30pm (Planning only) in the Committee Room of Lapworth Village Hall.

Minutes and Agendas for meetings are on the Parish Council website

Members of the Press and Public are invited to attend meetings and are welcome to address the Parish Council on any matters they wish to raise during the public forum.

Clerk Contact details – phone 07712 531873 or email  clerk@lapworthpc.org.uk

Mobile Library


Priory Close (near Station Lane junction)  – Thursday 29th August – 11.00-11.20am

Harborough Cottages (opposite Village Hall) – Thursday 29th August – 11.30-12.00pm

Lapworth School – Thursday 29th August – 3.00pm-4.00pm

15 Chapel Lane – Friday 30th August – 9.15-9.30am

181 Chapel Lane – Friday 30th August – 9.35-9.45am

Contacts: T: 01926 851031   E: mobilelibraryservice@warwickshire.gov.uk  W: www.warwickshire.gov.uk

Lapworth Ladies Supper Club

The ‘opening’ meeting will be the AGM which will be held on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at Rowington Village Hall at 7.30pm. Complimentary drinks and nibbles will be served.  This is a great opportunity to hear details about the next seasons events, to catch up with old friends and make some new ones! There is no charge for this event, all existing and potential new members are welcome.

Solihull Artisan Market

Saturday 7th September – 10am – 4pm

Solihull High Street

For further information please visit Solihull BID

Saturday 7th September 2024



September 2024

7.15pm for 7.45pm

£5 at the door

Bar     Refreshments     All welcome

Film Club will be back in September