Sunday Services at St Mary’s Lapworth

Every Sunday, a recorded service is available online.  Usually this is a recording of the 11.00am service at St Mary’s.  Search YouTube for “Lapworth and Baddesley Clinton Parish Churches”


July 2024



7th July – Sixth Sunday after Trinity (Proper 9) – Green

                  11.00am   Family Service (Mark 6.1 – 6a)


14th July – Seventh Sunday after Trinity (Proper 10) – Green

  9.30am   Together@9.30 (Amos 7.7-17)

11.00am   Parish Eucharist 9.30am (Amos 7.7-15, Mark 6.14-29)


21st July – Eighth Sunday after Trinity (Proper 11) – Green

                  11.00am   Matins (Ps23, Jeremiah 23.1-6, Mark 6.30-34 and 53-56)


28th July – Ninth Sunday after Trinity (Proper 12) – Green

(No Together@9.30 service)                  

11.00am   Parish Eucharist (Ephesians 3.14-21, John 6.1-21)


August 2024


4th August – Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Proper 13) – Green

                  11.00am   Family Service (John 6.24-35)


11th August – Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (Proper 14) – Green

(No Together@9.30 service) 

11.00am   Parish Eucharis (1 Kings 19.4-8, John 6.35 and 41-51)


18th August – Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (Proper 15) – Green

                  11.00am   Matins (Ps 34.9-14, Proverbs 9.1-6, John 6.51-58)


25th August – Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Proper 16) – Green

   (No Together@9.30 service)              

11.00am   Parish Eucharist (Joshua 24.1-2a and 14-18, John 6.56-69)






The 10 am Wednesday Eucharist will take place on every Wednesday in July and August EXCEPT 21st August, when there will be no service.  At the Wednesday Eucharists we pray particularly for our families, friends and the local community.





The Rector says Morning and Evening Prayer in the Lady Chapel at St Mary’s Lapworth, Monday to Thursday.  All are welcome.  After Morning or Evening Prayer is a good time to catch the Rector in church.  

8.30am Morning Prayer, ends about 8.45am (Mon-Thurs), but NOT 2nd July, nor 19th-23rd August, nor 26th August.

5.00pm Evening Prayer, ends about 5.15pm (Mon-Thurs), but NOT 25th July, nor 19th-23rd August, nor 26th August.


Visitors are welcome at all of our services