Lapworth Ladies Supper Club Programme for 2023/24

Further information and how to book Supper Club Meetings

Time:  Supper club starts at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm meal.  Members are politely reminded to arrive no earlier than 7.00pmin order to allow the speaker to set up and your committee to check the venue. After dinner talks last approx. 45mins

To Book and Pay. Most members now book on line. Heather our Treasurer emails a new booking form to you each month. Paper booking forms are still available. Whichever way you book ensure the treasurer receives the correct payment and booking details electronically or by post a minimum of 8 clear days prior to the supper (i.e., by Tuesday of the week before the supper at the latest).  Please note bookings and payments for our Christmas supper must arrive a minimum of 15 clear days before the supper to allow time for table group planning.

How to Pay

  1. Bank Transfer
Lapworth Ladies Supper Club
Barclays Bank account number             13326152
Sort code                                      20 84 13


  1. By cheque payable to Lapworth Ladies Supper Club and sent with a booking form to our treasurer

Heather Day, Serenity House, 23 Chapel Lane, Chessetts Wood, Lapworth B94 6ET

Special dietary requirements: Please remember to indicate on the booking form any dietary requirements including any vegetarian requirements. If you have any queries please contact a committee member and not the venue.

Guests: You are very welcome to bring a guest (who can only attend once as a guest in a season) to any of the meetings, please fill in the appropriate part of the slip enclosing payment for your guest. Guests need to pay membership subscriptions if they wish to attend more than one meal in a season.

Cost: Each supper club Meal is £30 for a two-course meal (except our 3 course Christmas supper which is £38 and when male/female guests are also welcome)

Annual Subscriptions:  The subscription remains at £15, which is used primarily to pay for fees, meals, and travel for the speakers and room hire and equipment charges.

Please include your subscription as a separate payment with your payment for your first meal.

NB Cancellations- Please cancel by contacting Heather at the earliest opportunity Tel 01564 783638 . No refunds can be given after the last booking date (unless there are members on the waiting list) as the final numbers will have been forwarded to the venue.  Refunds can be arranged for early cancellations but there will be no carry forward facility of payments for future suppers.

Thank you. We look forward to an interesting and entertaining season