Lapworth Ladies Supper Club
Lapworth Ladies meet monthly on the first Wednesday of every month, from October to March.
Meetings take place at various venues (hotels and golf clubs) within easy travelling distance of Lapworth, and they include a three course meal and an after dinner speaker. The talks are both informative and entertaining. If you are interested in joining the Supper Club, please feel free to contact Jacqui 785022, Yvonne 783595 or Heather 783638 for more information.
You can view and download the Lapworth Ladies Supper Club Programme of Events from October 2024 to March 2025 and Booking Forms by clicking here.
You can also download a Lapworth Ladies Supper Club Membership Subscription Form by clicking here.
Secretary: |
Treasurer: |
Jacqui Arnott
Yvonne Joyce |
Heather Day |
Tel: 01564 785022
Tel: 01564 783595 |
LLSC Meeting 12th March 2025
Robin Hood Golf Club
Wednesday 12th March was the last meeting of the season for the Lapworth Ladies Supper Club. We were at Robin Hood Golf Club in Olton which is a new venue for us.
Our main course was oven baked chicken breast stuffed with spinach and cream cheese, served with a selection of vegetables and herby new potatoes. Dessert was warm Belgian waffle topped with bananas, toffee and vanilla ice-cream. This was followed by tea or coffee and mints.
The speaker was Vicky Farmer whose talk was entitled ‘For the Love of Horses’. For many years Vicky has been a supporter and fundraiser for the Brooke Charity which was started by an amazing lady, Dorothy Brooke, who was born in 1884 in Scotland. The charity is celebrating 90 years of improving equine welfare in developing countries where horses, donkeys and mules are the main form of transport and moving goods around.
Dorothy was horrified at the state of the animals in Egypt where she went with her husband and in 1934 started raising money to end their mistreatment. George V was one of her supporters. She bought a piece of land where the horses, donkeys and mules could rest and be treated for their problems. It is now the Brooke hospital for equine animals.
Vicky told us that the Brooke charity tries to educate animal owners so they understand that better treatment of the animals will improve their ability to work and will improve their life span. They have also set up mobile vet clinics so people do not have to travel so far to get their animals treated.
Some of the heavy work that donkeys do is carrying huge bricks from the brick kilns and bringing coal up from the mines in Pakistan, or carrying massive loads of material. They have trained farriers and set up Donkey Clubs for the children who often look after the animals. The Brooke charity only employs people from the country in operation because they know the language and understand the culture.
We were horrified to hear about a fairly new trade in donkey skins. About 6 million donkeys are being killed every year to produce a gelatine type substance used in some cosmetics and Chinese medicine.
The charity is trying to encourage owners to house their animals securely at night rather than letting them run free.
We were very pleased to hear that the Brooke is having an impact in many of the countries in which they now work, such as Egypt, India, Nepal, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Senegal, Nicaragua, to name but a few.
Our next meeting will be held in Rowington Village Hall on Wednesday 3rd September at 7.30pm. This will be a chance for you to find out about the speakers and venues for the coming season, pay your subscriptions and enjoy a drink and nibbles with your friends.
We look forward to seeing you there!
LLSC Meeting 5th February 2025
Nuthurst Grange Hotel
This event, held on 5th February at Nuthurst Grange Hotel, was enjoyed and very well attended by over 50 members and guests.
Alan Hill gave a fascinating talk on Jewels and Precious Stones. We learnt that jewels are not just for decoration but do have many uses from good luck charms to currency, from industrial uses (precision cutting) to religious and status symbols to name but a few. Jewels can in fact be made of or originate from all elements be it: Animal e.g. coral, pearl. Vegetable e.g. amber from resin and jet from trees. Mineral e.g. diamonds and rubies.
Many in the western world now associate diamond rings as the symbol of betrothal. However, this has been a relatively recent practice and came about from clever marketing in the late 1930’s which promoted the idea of ‘diamonds are forever’ and has since then the tradition has grown.
A big thank you goes to Alan for a most informative and entertaining talk. Our thanks also go to all the friendly and efficient staff at Nuthurst Grange Hotel, who made us very welcome and served us with a delicious meal.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 12th March 2025 at Robin Hood Golf Club. Vicky Farmer will be giving a talk on the work of Dorothy Brook, founder of the Brook charity, now the largest equine charity in the world.
Please note that we invite member and guest not to arrive before 7pm for 7.30pm sit down.
Please ensure that online payments, booking forms or, if used, cheques reach Heather Day as soon as possible and no later than 10pm Tuesday 4th March. Please contact Heather Day 07790947986 or Yvonne Joyce 07939141538 with any queries.
LLSC Meeting 8th January 2025
Hogarths Hotel
50 members and their guests of The Lapworth Ladies Supper Club beat the January blues and met at Hogarths Hotel on Wednesday 8th January. Everyone was served a 2-course meal followed by tea and coffee and a presentation from a local celebrity, Ian Winter – Great Rail Journeys Tour Manager.
3 years ago, after 38 years working for the BBC as a journalist and broadcaster, Ian took on a new challenge of becoming a Rail Tour Manager.
Ian delighted us with his relaxed presentation and great humour recounting some of his experiences in his role of Rail Tour Manager. He explained his change of career and how he first became involved with tourism, sharing photos and stories of some of his many trips from his very first tour to the Isle of Man to his most recent tour in Scotland. However, most of his tours have been further afield in Europe but his passion for this job regardless of the destination was abundantly clear, which left many keen to further explore future great rail journeys for future holidays. Ian has been inspired by the people he has met on his travels and his observations on simple everyday human behaviour had his audience in choruses of laughter.
We wish to thank the staff at Hogarths Hotel for their friendly and efficient service and providing a delicious meal and of course Ian for his most enjoyable presentation.
What a wonderful start to 2025!
Our next meeting will be at Nuthurst Grange Hotel on Wednesday 5th February 2025. After dinner, Alan Hill will be giving a talk on Jewels and Precious Stones and our fascination with them. We invite member and guest not to arrive before 7pm for 7.30pm sit down.
Please ensure that online payments, or, if used, cheques reach Heather Day as soon as possible and no later than 10pm Tuesday 28th January. Please contact Heather Day 07790947986 or Yvonne Joyce 07939141538 with any queries.
LLSC Meeting Wednesday 4th December 2024
Forest Hotel, Dorridge
The Lapworth Ladies Supper Club met at the Forest Hotel for their 2024 Christmas event. Our numbers swelled for this evening as members were invited to bring along partners. As has become a little tradition of the evening, all attendees arrived and had pre dinner drinks, whilst enjoying the music of a local quintet.
A delicious hot 3 course meal with all the trimmings was served by efficient and friendly staff. The meal concluded with coffee and mints as our speaker, Howard Robinson began his talk.
Howard presented a variety of images which were not always as they first appeared. Some pictures presented one image but on closer inspection another image could also be seen, whilst some images gave the impression of wobbly lines but were in fact straight. Howard explained that we don’t see with our eyes but with our brain, and we see things differently depending on which side of our brain is most dominant. Light and shadow can influence perspective and sizes of what we see. It was amazing to see how easily these illusions can fool our brains.
We wish to thank the quintet for entertaining us on our arrival and Howard for a most enthusiastic talk on this fascinating subject. Our thanks also go to all the staff at the Forest Hotel for their warm hospitality and prompt service.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 8th January 2024 at the Hogarths Hotel. Please note that arrival is no earlier than 7pm for 7.30pm sit down. Ian Winter broadcaster journalist will be our speaker for the evening and will be sharing with us some of his experiences as a tour guide on the railways.
Please ensure that payments reach Heather Day as soon as possible and no later than 10pm 27th December 2024. but, if possible, preferably before Christmas.
LLSC Meeting 6th November 2024
Olton Golf Club
Over 40 members and their guests of The Lapworth Ladies Supper Club met at Olton Golf Club on Wednesday 6th November for the second event of the season. Attendees enjoyed a 2-course meal followed by tea and coffee and a presentation from volunteers from the Air Ambulance Service.
Husband and wife, Peter and Vicky Heyward, gave a most informative talk on the work of the Air Ambulance Service and how it is funded.
Peter and Vicky form part of a group tasked with fund raising and promoting the work of the Air Ambulance Service. Each regional Air Ambulance Service may operate slightly differently but essentially it is a charity and, although works closely with the NHS, it runs entirely on voluntary contributions. Our local service covers the largest area in England and includes Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, Warwickshire and Northampton. The Service started in 2003 and now has 3 air ambulances and a fleet of cars operating an average of 80 missions a week, each at an average cost of £2,300. Crews are composed of critical care paramedics, doctors and pilots. In recent years the service has introduced the Children’s Air Ambulance which operates across the UK.
In addition to a collective donation the committee organised a raffle and were delighted to substantially boost the original donation with the proceeds. We wish to thank members and guests for their generosity, Olton Golf Club for their hospitality and providing a delicious meal and of course Peter and Vicky for their enlightening presentation.
Our next meeting will be at the Forrest Hotel in Dorridge on Wednesday 4th December 2024. After dinner, Howard Robinson will be giving a talk on Optical Illusions and explaining how sometimes our individual brains interpret information differently. We invite member and guest not to arrive before 7pm for 7.30pm sit down.
Please ensure that online payments, booking forms or, if used, cheques reach Heather Day as soon as possible and no later than 10pm Tuesday 19th November. Please contact Heather Day 07790947986 or Yvonne Joyce 07939141538 with any queries.
LLSC Meeting 2nd October 2024
The Limes Country Lodge Hotel
The Lapworth Ladies Supper Club met at The Limes Country Lodge Hotel for the first supper event of the 2024/2025 season on Wednesday 2nd October. The evening was well attended by members and their guests who enjoyed a two-course meal with coffee and tea and the evening concluded with a fascinating talk from Dr Gillian White.
Dr White entertained us with a factual and uplifting presentation on Queen Elizabeth 1 personal life. Elizabeth greatly favoured Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicestershire. However, despite flirtations with him, and other suitors, her resolve to remain single held strong. During the Elizabethan period, Kenilworth Castle was one of the greatest medieval castles in England. Dudley was not easily put off by Elizabeths ‘independence’ and he hosted a lavish 3-week extravaganza for her at Kenilworth Castle in a most impressive attempt to persuade her to change her mind and marry him. Whilst Elizabeth could not help but beflattered, her ambition and desire for power won over her dilemma of marriage, children and an heir to the throne.
We were spell bound by the extent of Dr White’s knowledge and grateful for her enthusiasm which brought alive the history and made it such a climax to the evening. We also thank the staff at The Limes Country Lodge Hotel for their hospitality and making us so welcome.
Our next meeting. On Wednesday 6th November 2024 at Olton Golf Club. Peter Hayward will be giving a talk on the work of the Air Ambulance Service. We invite member and guests not to arrive before 7pm for 7.30pm sit down
Please ensure that online payments, or if used, booking forms and cheques reach Heather Day as soon as possible and no later than 10pm Tuesday 29th October. Please contact Heather Day 07790947986 or Yvonne Joyce 07939141538 with any queries.
The Lapworth Ladies Supper Club met at Rowington Village Hall on Wednesday 6th September for their AGM. Approximately 40 existing members attended, and we were delighted to welcome 3 new guests. The existing committee were elected for another year by a unanimous vote. The members were given a summary of the audited accounts and a brief outline of what they could look forward to in the coming year’s programme.
There was plenty of time following the meeting for the ladies to socialise and catch up with old friends over drinks and nibbles.
The Lapworth Ladies Supper Club usually meet on the first Wednesday of every month between October and March at various local venues. There are 2 exceptions this year, due to the bank holiday and Christian calendar in January and March when we will meet on the 8th and 12th respectively. Each event costs £30 and includes a 2-course meal with coffee/tea and an after-dinner speaker. An annual subscription of £15 is also required.
The first event with supper and speaker, Dr Gillian White, will be on Wednesday 2nd October at Limes Country Lodge Hotel. All bookings must be made by Thursday 19th September, members are invited to bring along guests to each event and new members are always welcome. For further details please contact Yvonne Joyce 01564-783595.