Lapworth Parish Council Meeting
Thursday 3rd April 2025
Lapworth Village Hall – 7.30pm
The next meeting of Lapworth Parish Council is scheduled to take place on Thursday 3rd April at 7.30pm in the Committee Room of Lapworth Village Hall.
Minutes and Agendas for meetings are on the Parish Council website
Members of the Press and Public are invited to attend meetings and are welcome to address the Parish Council on any matters they wish to raise during the public forum.
Clerk Contact details – phone 01564 660141 or email
Lapworth Parish Council meet monthly at the Village Hall to discuss local matters and make decisions affecting residents. The public are welcome to attend these meetings and are given a chance to make representations at the start of each meeting. The Parish Council website will tell you when the meetings are, so go along and watch the most local level of Local Government in action.
The Parish Council Chairman’s Badge and Chain of Office, purchased in March 1987, reflects the way different methods of transport have cut across the Forest of Arden, which originally covered most of Lapworth.
Trees and a crown represent Kingswood, flanked by railway tracks and the M40; a barge passes under a canal bridge and the green ribbon reminds us that Lapworth is part of the Green Belt.