Film Club

Lapworth Film Club was set up in 2011 by a small group of then Committee Members of the Lapworth Village Hall Committee to provide an enjoyable social event and funding opportunity for maintenance and improvements to this important village amenity.  On advice from the auditor, it became a separate organisation but all profits after expenses and licence fees are donated to Lapworth Village Hall.

Film Club is on the last Monday of the month from September to April (excluding December) at 7.15pm for 7.45pm at Lapworth Village Hall.

There is a bar and the £5 taken at the door includes free refreshments at the interval.

Besides showing films carefully chosen by a small committee, the evening provides an occasion for people to meet where they might not meet otherwise.

Films are advertised in the Parish Magazine, on posters on the village noticeboards, and on a large poster opposite the Village Shop.

Films are also shown to Elderberries, Preschool and Lapworth School PTA on request.

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